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LABD Interest Application

Thank you for your interest in bringing an LABD puppy or adult into your home. 


Please Copy and Paste the questions below with your added answers into an e-mail and send it to us with "LABD Interest List' in the subject line so you can be added to our interest list for future pairings or retirements. 


You'll be contacted anytime there is an available puppy or adult that meets your criteria. 

First Name : 


Last Name : 


Date : 




Phone # : 


Interested in a Puppy (8wks -11months) : Yes ____ No ____


Interested in an Adult (1yr +) : Yes ____ No _____


How soon are you looking to add an LABD member to your home? 


ASAP ______ 3-6 months ______ 1yr + __________


What made you consider the American Bully breed for your family? 




Have you owned a Bully Breed before? Yes ____ No ____


If Yes, what type and for how long? 




Do you currently have any pets? Yes ____ No ____


If yes, what kind(s) and what are their ages? 




Are you planning to spay/neuter at a safe age? Yes ____ No ____


Are you looking to keep your puppy or adult intact? Yes ____ No ____


Where did you find or hear about LABD? 




Are you interested in, or plan on involving your puppy or adult into any dog sports or obedience activities? If so, please tell us which ones you have in mind : 





Are you aware of common personality/physical traits that Bully Breeds typically have?

Yes ____ No ____



If no, are you open to learning about common brachycephalic breed traits so you can keep your new puppy or adult safe and happy with you and your family?

Yes ____ No ______



What Activity level is your family?  


High activity - (daily jogging, hikes, bike rides, travel often, etc) _____


Medium activity - (medium length walks, travel occasionally, etc) _____


Low Activity - (short walks, local travel mostly, watching tv w family) ______



Do you have pet insurance? Yes ____ No _____


If no, are you interested in learning about, or open to consider signing up for pet insurance? Yes ______ No ______


Does your household have children? Yes ______ No _____


If Yes, what are the ages? 



Are the children familiar with safely handling/living with dogs?  

Yes _____ No ______



Do you have any questions abut the American Bully breed?  






















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